Things I Wish I knew Before I Was Pregnant
Things I wish I knew before I was Pregnant
Nothing can quite prepare you for the birth of your first child, and I guess the same goes for being pregnant.
Sure, I read all the books, followed all the "mom blogs," but when it came down to my physical, mental and emotional changes due to being pregnant, there wasn't anything that could prepare me.Things will never be how they used to be
It used to be, that when my husband and I were tired we could just go take a nap, sleep in or sleep for 10 hours straight. Now that Ryan has been born, things are a little trickier. And that's just one example.I also wasn't prepared for the change in the relationship with my husband. I rely on him a lot as a partner, and don't know how I would have gotten through all these changes without him. The biggest
thing we have to work on now is our communication. I'm not perfect, and my mothering hormones make me a little crazy sometimes and that's something that's been hard for me to work on.
Body Issues

My husband also said the other day that I "jiggle." I know he said it in a loving way, but who wants hear that their body jiggles? UPDATE: 08/22/2018 My husband lovingly reminded me that he said, "I'm admiring your jiggle (in all the right places)" haha! Ok, he MIGHT be off the hook for that one then.
Ok, so this one is a little hard, because you know you're going to be tired. You know that your pregnancy is leading up to the birth of a newborn, and everyone knows that new parents don't get any sleep. Well, I haven't had good sleep since even BEFORE Ryan was born. I ached, could never get comfortable, Ryan was wiggling around INSIDE of me, my legs couldn't stop twitching and yes, I'm complaining. I miss sleep. Even now, I wish I were sleeping, but my body just won't let me. So, I'm here to warn you ladies out there. Even though you can't store the hours of sleep you get, like squirrels with nuts, I'm telling you, go to sleep. Enjoy a nap. Please, so I can live vicariously through you.
People Stare
I'm talking about EVERYONE stared. I would walk through a restaurant to go to the bathroom (most likely multiple times) and I could just feel everyone's eyes. That made me self-conscious and annoyed. I don't know if anyone else experienced or even noticed this, but I hated it. I'm sure people are still staring now, but I'm either too tired, or it's because there's some body fluid of Ryan's somewhere on my shirt.
You would not believe some of the advice we heard from people. One piece I thought was funny was my husband's grandmother telling me not to listen to anyone's advice (which I joked with her that I wouldn't listen to). I encouraged people to give us advice because then I could know whether or not I wanted to listen to it. What surprised me was strangers' advice. I worked at a winery and people who had no idea who I was felt compelled to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing. It's the weirdest thing that people think, just because you're pregnant, they can tell you what to do with your baby or body.
People touch your belly
I ALMOST bought a shirt that I wanted to wear anytime I left the house that told people not to touch my belly. I had strangers come up to me in the grocery store and rub my belly. Maybe if they had asked, but even then, I don't think I was ever ok with anyone, except my husband, touching my belly.
Pregnancy Brain is real
Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you walked in there? Yeah, try that for nine months! I once needed to make a return to Target, which is a solid 30 minute drive away from our house...and I forgot to bring the thing I was returning. I got to the point where I had to start writing everything down. I kept a small notepad in my nightstand and would write down things that needed to get done, things I did that day, or how I was feeling. Basically, a brain dump on this notepad to try to rest a little easier.
Take More Photos
I really wish I had taken a weekly photo throughout my pregnancy. There were so many times that I felt too nauseous, tired or just not in the mood to take a photo, and now that I'm not pregnant anymore I wish I had. Not necessarily for social media sharing, but for my own reflection. When I did take photos, I spent time getting things ready. I looked up inspiration poses or photos, I set the lighting for the room, got a tripod with a Bluetooth shutter remote. I went all out when I finally took a photo, but wish I had done more.