Postpartum Hair Loss - My Journey and Solutions
My Story and Solutions for Postpartum Hair Loss
I've been dreading talking about postpartum hair loss. I know a lot of women go through it, and it's sometimes hard for me to understand why I make such a big deal about it. But I think it's because my hair is part of my identity. I've thought my hair was something I was proud of, and when it all started falling out, it really made me upset.
My Story
I noticed my hair loss shortly after my son was born. My hair didn't change much during my pregnancy, but it really did afterwards. Clumps of my hair was falling out, and in the most obvious and noticeable spots around my face.I still don't even like looking at this picture taken of me and Ryan a few months after he was born. I had no idea it had gotten that bad until I saw this photo and realized I had to make a change.
So, I did some research and took some additional steps to take care of my hair and nurture it back to health.
Know your hair, wash it less if you can
The first thing I did was not washing it as much. I know that sound ridiculous, and most women already do this anyway. But I have naturally very oily skin, which translates to oily hair and build up. To avoid build up, I have been washing my hair every day for years. Another important part of the routine is to brush my hair out while it's dry before I wash it. Trying to untangle the mess with wet hair ended up pulling more hair out accidentally. Plus, brushing it out beforehand helps to break down any product I've put on my hair since previously washing it. If I go without washing, you can tell. You can see the oil in my hair and I can't stand how it feels weighted down. To help with this I've been using Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo.Invest in better hair products

Turn down the heat
Besides the things I add to my hair, I now am trying to add less heat to my hair. I used to blow my hair dry every day on high until it was bone dry, then straighten it with a flat iron that has no heat setting (yes, it's just on or off). So now, a few days a week, I'll embrace the crazy, uncontrollable naturally wavy hair by letting my hair air dry all day.Take care from the inside out
Every day I've been taking some over-the-counter supplements for hair, skin and nails. Nature's Bounty Vitamin Gummies is made by a trusted brand and has great reviews. I've seen a big difference with my nails not breaking as much and my hair feels like it's improved.Let it down
It know it's easy to throw our hair up in a bun to get it out of the way ("bun hair, don't care," was my motto). But at the end of the day, I could feel the tugging from the weight of my hair being pulled up, then the random pieces of precious hair I had left being ripped out with my pins and ties was driving me crazy. Try to limit how often or how tightly you're styling your hair up.
Now, I'm no hair expert, these are just the changes I've made to my lifestyle that have helped me overcome and repair postpartum hair loss. I hope it helps, if anything, gives you confidence that it will get better.
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