Ryan's 18 Month Update

by - Tuesday, December 03, 2019

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I cannot believe Ryan is 18 months old. We've learned a lot during our journey as parents and I'm so proud of our son.

During his newborn stage, I was always trying to figure out the best “schedule” for Ryan, and it turned into more of a daily rhythm than a set schedule. Once we stopped worrying about everything being on time, and more about what Ryan wanted and needed, things went much smoother.
So here’s a look into a daily life in the Kaplan home and some of momma’s favorite things.

Ryan has lots of favorites. One of them is dogs. He’ll point out every dog he sees and says, “Woof!” He also likes pointing out every airplane he sees flying overhead. His other favorite is running! My mom talks about how it feels like a whirlwind when he comes to visit, because he’s so fast and gets into everything! He’s always on the move.

He loves having his own space too. We’ve tried to make our home a “yes space” where we’re confident that anything he plays with or discovers is ok. His favorite spot is in his DalosDream Teepee Tent that we setup with comfy pillows, stuffed animals and a little decoration. He’ll crawl in there to get cozy with a book or peep out the window playing hide-and-seek.

Rug is from Amazon

We’ve made bath time a little more fun too by adding some colorful toys to the mix. We like these Munchkin Bath Toys and Crayons and obviously so does Ryan. He likes to scribble on basically every surface in the tub. 
The after bath aftermath

His favorite books still include the finger puppet series, but his favorite lately has been Little Blue Truck's Christmas. He can’t wait to see the festive lights at the end.

We’ve tried lots of sippy cups, and these Munchkin Sippy Cups have been the best so far. We like that it has a weighted straw, it's easy to hold and dishwasher safe! Only downside is that there are no marked measurements on the cup itself, but otherwise they are great!

Below is what a typical day looks like for me and Ryan. Some days are different considering a cold, appointments, etc. 

 - Wakes up around 6:00 am (has a 6-8 oz sippy cup of milk)
-          Around 7:00am he has a sliced banana. I quarter the fruit into long manageable “sticks” for him.
– Put him back down for a nap around 8:00am (he doesn’t always take a nap during this time, which would affect when he takes an afternoon nap)
– Wakes up from nap around 9:00 am or 10:00 am and eats breakfast (usually eggs, fruit and yogurt)
After he’s eaten and is cleaned up, this is when I’ll try to get any of the day’s chores or errands outside of the house done.
– Plays until about 1:00 pm
– 12:00 – 1:00 pm – down for second nap (usually longer if the first nap was short or nonexistent and sometimes around 12:00 if he skips the morning nap)
 3:00 pm – wakes up from nap, eats a pouch or snacks
-          4:30 – Dinner for him (Meat, fruit, dairy)
– Plays until about 5:30pm (Depending on if he will have a bath, start settling down, read a book and get ready for bed)
– 6:00 pm – BEDTIME

I know, it sounds crazy. Bedtime, at 6:00 pm?! Yes, Ryan has been sleeping from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am since he was only a few months old. We’ve tried to make his bedtime a little later, in hopes that he’ll sleep in later, but it never works. Ryan ends up getting frustrated because he’s tired, and he still wakes up at 6:00 am. My husband and I love the time we have to ourselves at the end of the day. We can unwind, cook dinner peacefully, enjoy an adult beverage and spend time together relaxing. I’m sure this will change as Ryan gets older, but for now, this is what works for all of us.

Also, every night since the weather has been cooler lately, Ryan will sleep in this Hudson Baby Wearable Blanket. It's light and breathable, but another layer to help keep him warm at night. 


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